
School Council.

Our school council is a leading voice for wanting to improve our school. The council has made a significant effort to obtain pupils’ opinions from throughout the school on a variety of issues, and has subsequently taken steps to assure success and enhanced the school experience. The school council has been successful in obtaining outcomes that have benefited the school community.

PBS pupils chose a new school council in September of 2021. Every Monday from 2:45 to 3:15 p.m., we get together. Each year group elects two pupils to represent them on the school council. Our goals are to:

  • Make the school a friendlier and more enjoyable environment.
  • To come up with solutions to any issues that our classmates may be experiencing.
  • To ensure that our pupils’ views and feelings are shared with others so that we can assist them.
  • To improve communication between our council meetings, classrooms, and year groups.
  • To encourage healthy living by promoting a balanced diet, physical activity, and mental well-being.

We are a very proactive and active school council. Here are some of the projects we’ve been working on and will continue to work on this year:

  • Considering ways to make the playground more functional by introducing allocated sections for specific activities.
  • Raise awareness of the importance of recycling and environmental preservation.
  • Encourage our pupils to take care of our school’s environment.
  • Friendship clubs and spots during the break timings.

Our Student Council is a supportive group of pupils that welcome any suggestions or concerns from their peers.